Gridsome Blog

A simple blog designed with Gridsome

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Say hello to Gridsome 🎉

21 August 2020

A new static site generator baby is born. It's highly inspired by Gatsby.js (React based) but built on top of Vue.js. We have been working on it for a year and will have a beta ready soon. You can expect this baby to grow up fast!

We think Gridsome is a missing piece to the Vue.js ecosystem. What Gatsby.js does for React.js is a game changer in how we build websites. React.js is excellent, but we think Vue.js is more approachable for most web designers and devs getting started with JAMstack. Gridsome is the Vue.js alternative to Gatsby.

With Gridsome you get a universal GraphQL layer for all your connected data sources. It's like a single source of truth for your website data ready to be used in any page or components. Connect to any CMS or APIs like Google Spreadsheet, Airtable, Instagram Feed, local markdown files, etc.